TNC Campaign for 2020-21 season by

Year: 2020
Tags: Campaign, Creative Direction in Production

The Teatre Nacional de Catalunya (TNC) is all set to get back on track after the sudden halt of the cultural scene. Our society has a strong tradition in dramatic arts, that for many weeks have suffered their worst punishment: silence. Now it is the public’s turn to be brave and give them a voice again. The TNC is calling out to each and every one of us: they are inviting us to overcome our fears, to go back to the theatre, and to trust that they will make it a safe space for us. We are about to feel the power of dramatic art on stage again. Now is the time to be bold and bring culture back to life.

Capturing the essence

The spot stars actress Georgina Latre, who recites a fragment of the character Carme from the play L’Hèroe, written by Santiago Rusiñol. We hear her voice, speaking vigorously about the braveness she has acquired and about how she is not afraid anymore, while we travel through the empty backstage of the theatre. Everything is still and quiet until we walk into the dressing room, where we find her alone, talking to herself in the mirror. 

Strength from fragility

Latre (or Carme) shows her tenacity, but we realise she is vulnerable, too. Suddenly, her words and her mood feel extremely relatable, until it becomes hard to distinguish fiction from reality. The intimacy of the scene makes us feel like voyeurs – as we witness that intimate moment, she gives us the strength to go back to “normal”, which can feel as scary as going on stage might feel to her. That notion of empathy will give us the courage to trust in TNC, and to commit to the strengthening of our cultural scene after the Covid-19 crisis. Latre will be performing in L’Hèroe next season at TNC.

FOLCH - TNC Campaign for 2020-21 season

Getting culture back in shape

The slogan, “La nostra força és la cultura” (“Our strength is culture”) presents the cultural sector not only as an economic asset –as other sectors have been approached after the Covid-19 crisis– but as the true muscle of our society: in Barcelona and Catalonia, cultural activity is an essential part of people’s lives. Our relationship with arts and culture strongly shapes our character, individually but also collectively. The slogan reminds us what makes us solid as a culture, and invites us to support it.

TNC Campaign for 2020-21 season | FOLCH
TNC Campaign for 2020-21 season | FOLCH
TNC Campaign for 2020-21 season | FOLCH
TNC Campaign for 2020-21 season | FOLCH
TNC Campaign for 2020-21 season | FOLCH

As for Georgina Latre, she incarnates the image of strength herself: she is a young actress from Barcelona who has publicly expressed her concern around social justice issues such as the refugees crisis or gender violence. Here, we recognise her as a committed and empowered woman, leading us to compromise with the recovering of the cultural sector. 

The campaign was launched throughout different platforms, including Catalan public television and social media. The aim is to encourage people to let go of their fear and choose theatre as a space for critical reflection.

Campaign, Creative Direction in Production. 2020