Folch is a brand doing narratives, business and design for other brands. Creating connections between people and ideas on a new paradigm.
In an accelerated world, every aspect of our lives is in constant change. In order to stay relevant, brands must adapt up to its ever changing audiences. We help brands achieve this growth by analyzing these shifts, interpreting data and implementing new technologies and channels to their communication.
Understanding your core insight and developing a strategy around it is what creates relevance, as well as engagement and influence in this new era of communication.
Technology and Creativity are the most powerful drivers for business. By using Speculative Design and Talent incubation, we develop new ways of understanding business. Understanding our customers as audiences can help us develop new ideas, services, products and experiences.
In a post-advertising society, great communication generates engaged communities beyond loyal customers. Imperative forms and slogans no longer work, instead, they have given way to seductive narratives that make people want to belong. Each brand needs their own narrative in order to inspire and transmit their core values and personality.
More than ever, concepts, products, experiences and services are being translated into emotion and imagery. Humans connect with stories, we shape the way these stories are told, we direct it to the right audience and build cultural products that align to the brand core.Through content activation and creative PR we expand our reach and create brand awareness across many platforms.
In an era where people seek emotional engagement with information, the format given to a message shapes the way it is perceived. Design and art direction translate ideas and concepts into visual language.
In a hyperconnected world, experiences have transferred from the physical spaces to the digital realm. Audiences are engaging constantly with the huge amount of content uploaded every second. Understanding the opportunities the digital environment has, and creating experiences based on them is the only way to obtain real interaction and relevance.
The environment around political campaigns is changing at an increasingly fast pace. Digitisation revolutionised everything: barriers were broken, nuances disappeared, opinions are now polarised. Authenticity, emotion, and the ability to shape a message for a specific audience are winning factors. As with any transition period, new challenges (and opportunities) lie ahead.
Interiors and spaces can also define a brand. Just like digital environments, physical spaces carry emotion, values, and aesthetic; qualities that help to create a sense of coherence. Architecture, materials, lighting, and space are all narrative tools for brands.