Light Touch by

Client: Marset
Year: 2020
Tags: Campaign, Creative Direction in Production

How does a robot interact with an inanimate object? What if these objects have multiple possibilities of movement and shape? Light Touch is an artistic intervention that shows the interaction between a robot and three of Marset’s designs: Bolita, Milana and FollowMe Colours. Together with White Horse we developed a series of three videos, the campaign explores the mobility of the lamps and how light is transformed by movement and touch.

The conscious machine

Since the lamps have multiple compositions, exploring their possibilities becomes a playful experience. Replicating aspects of human behaviour, the robot helps us understand how we make sense of the world, simultaneously conveying a sense of emotional understanding and consciousness onto the robot. As the robot plays, it seems to be observing, making cognitive decisions about the lamp’s positioning, and displaying human emotions and characteristics such as satisfaction and curiosity. The fact that the robot seems to feel emotions is sufficient for humans to establish an emotional connection and to understand an emotional relationship between robot and lamp.


In a world where artificially intelligent systems are slowly taking over tasks previously done by humans, we explore a new, emotional expression of AI through hypnotic movements and simple gestures. Although limited to programmed performance, the results of the intervention demonstrate that through robotic representation, human movement can be predicted, explored and generated. The aim is to encourage people to let go of their technological fear through creative experimentation.

Light Touch | FOLCH
Light Touch | FOLCH
Light Touch | FOLCH
Light Touch | FOLCH
Light Touch | FOLCH
Light Touch | FOLCH
Light Touch | FOLCH
Campaign, Creative Direction in Production. Marset. 2020