A collective campaign for Ada Colau by

Year: 2019
Tags: Campaign, Digital Activation, Political campaign, Production, Strategic Communication

Political Campaign and Narrative by Folch 
Production by White Horse 
Written by Marta Campabadal



We are proud to have had the privilege to work hand in hand with Ada Colau, Mayor of Barcelona, and her team to develop a collective campaign, building her personal narrative based on her vision, while shadowing her on a daily basis. The current political situation and typical communication model required a disruptive campaign that would, on the one hand move the emphasis from Twitter to Instagram, and on the other add an extra layer to the message, by turning textual content into something more engaging and emotional. The result was producing high quality content, activated on social media, on a daily basis by means of a comprehensive production strategy with the support of our production company, White Horse.

The definition of the campaign in terms of content curation and digital activation cannot be understood without the idea of collectivity and the personal vision of Ada Colau and her team. We worked collaboratively, integrating ourselves with Ada’s team across all aspects of the strategy and application. This was crucial for the success of Barcelona en Comú, for its second legislature in the city council of Barcelona.

  • FOLCH - A collective campaign for Ada Colau
Live streaming was used as a resource to reach more audiences in a direct, fresh and impactful way, as well as adding another layer to her communication. This resource turned out to be one of the most successful assets of the campaign, reaching up to 1.000 people simultaneously on any given occasion.

Digital activation

Ada Colau and her team were shadowed during the five months leading up to the election – defining a robust and meaningful strategy to completely transform her personal narrative. Working with the team at Barcelona en Comú, content for Colau’s social networks was produced, as well as activation and tailoring of each message. More than 220 audiences were defined, creating content for Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Youtube to specifically target undecided and border voters.  The results were a great success – together, 3.739.952 people on Instagram and Facebook, and 472.316 people on Youtube were reached up.


An unexpected addition

During the municipal campaign, the team had to unexpectedly readapt to the advancement of the general elections and support with that. A spot for Jaume Asens, the new candidate for Catalunya en Comú, was conceptualised, filmed and edited shaping his image as a strong and reliable candidate with a dynamic 30 second video for broadcast TV.
  • FOLCH - A collective campaign for Ada Colau

Ada Colau already had an active presence on Twitter, so the focus was on daily video content for Instagram and YouTube. One of the actions that had a big impact, both on followers and activity, was the closing of one of her two Instagram accounts in order to concentrate her activity through one source. This also created a feeling that both her and her team were managing the account. The response so far has been hugely successful – doubling her followers on Instagram. Institutional approach was avoided and instead a more engaging and human presence across her digital environments was built up. By producing relevant backstage content and live streaming among other formats, most of the rallies and newsworthy events that she took part in were covered, reaching a deeper and closer understanding of her vision, values and personality. The pattern that was established during the campaign is now being applied with the same logic to all her communications. 

A collective campaign for Ada Colau | FOLCH
A collective campaign for Ada Colau | FOLCH
A collective campaign for Ada Colau | FOLCH
A collective campaign for Ada Colau | FOLCH
A collective campaign for Ada Colau | FOLCH
A collective campaign for Ada Colau | FOLCH
Art Direction, Campaign, Creative Direction and Filmmaking, Political campaign, Production, Strategic Communication. 2019