How to rethink a global institution? Desafía by

Year: 2019
Tags: Branding, Identity, Naming, Web design

Concept and Art Direction by Folch
Illustration by Camilo Huinca


Spanish Tech Center (now, Desafía) is an accelerator programme that facilitates the successful launching of Spanish tech companies in Silicon Valley and the USA. Since its founding in 2011, this initiative created by and ICEX has been acknowledged as a remarkable element in the most innovative ecosystems, assessing and connecting businesses with key agents and experts. Now it was time to take the leap and to transfer the brand’s mood from a San Francisco-based center to a global community that congregates entrepreneurs, mentors and established companies from all over the world – and this meant rethinking the brand from the beginning.


Can an institution project a disruptive attitude?

The naming was essential in attracting entrepreneurs and encouraging them to embark on this voyage. Desafía is based on the concept of ‘challenge’ – this helped us project the brand towards a feeling of transformation and give it a more humanistic voice. Unlike Spanish Tech Center, the new identity both connects with the Spanish community as a recognizable word and communicates a certain disruptive value.

A reflection of the digital era

The new look needed to match this evolution and reflect a more contemporary vision, without losing its established heritage. Encapsulating the logo in the shape of an icon or tag, we refer to the buttons of the digital language, communicating the brand’s association with contemporary technology and the online environment. In addition, this new visual identity communicates their key values, helping tech companies transition to a new stage.

Personality and transgression

Using Sneak by Fabian Fohrer became our answer to address a more personal dialogue. In contrast with the solemnity of the typeface skeleton, the inverted characters created a crucial graphic richness, helping to strengthen a transgressive identity.

Illustration as a vehicle to explain abstract concepts

In its various programmes, Desafía works with very abstract concepts. Camilo Huinca was selected as the illustrator to generate a whole new language and to make these ideas easily identifiable. This allowed us to bring together all the pieces of the puzzle through a contemporary, colorful and unique visual identity. In addition, we opened up new ways of telling stories, setting up a new content-centred way of communicating that could work across a variety of media, both online and offline.

Coming full circle

Experiential value was the code at every level. The new infographic system worked in our favour, providing a wide range of possibilities. Under the pretext that the digital environment is part of Desafía’s DNA, the website needed to keep this visual language while relating a switch of paradigm. The resulting landing page works as a general overview of the brand’s programmes, as well as news and events. We also applied and adapted the new visual code to printed assets, such as catalogues and invitations.

How to rethink a global institution? Desafía | FOLCH
How to rethink a global institution? Desafía | FOLCH
How to rethink a global institution? Desafía | FOLCH
How to rethink a global institution? Desafía | FOLCH
How to rethink a global institution? Desafía | FOLCH
How to rethink a global institution? Desafía | FOLCH
Branding, Identity, Naming, Web design. 2019