Opening the doors to an international circle by

Client: Openhouse

Concept by Openhouse Magazine
Production by White Horse
Featured on NOWNESS



Continuing to embrace the changes required of a print publication in the digital age, Openhouse commissioned White Horse to produce a short film to celebrate their latest venture – an event in collaboration with German fine watchmaker A. Lange & Söhne and Dutch artist Sabine Marcelis, simultaneously marking the launch of their tenth issue. The production, now featured on NOWNESS, took place at the beautiful Solo Office located in the mountains near Teruel, Spain. 


  • FOLCH - Opening the doors to an international circle

An unusual collaboration

Located in the mountainous terrain of Northern Spain, Solo Office, circular like a watch, changes with the sun and time of day. The perfect place for A. Lange & Söhne to reveal their latest watch which changes depending on the light. Openhouse needed something to connect the watch to the house so they asked Sabine to create an installation. She crafted a pyramidal-shaped structure which was installed at the centre, turning the house into a giant sundial and mirroring the light-reactive qualities of the “Lumen” timepiece, while commenting on the relationship between time, technology, and the precise control of light.

  • FOLCH - Opening the doors to an international circle

International networking

Openhouse kindly invited us along to this special opening event. It gave us the opportunity to meet journalists from a variety of different lifestyle and culture magazines such as Monocle, High Snobiety, Fantastic Man, Ignant and NOWNESS, as well as experts in the fields of watchmaking, architecture, art and design. Always on the lookout for new contacts, we introduced the work we do at Folch and White Horse as well as our client projects to these publications, building our network as well as a base for future communications activity. 

Opening the doors to an international circle | FOLCH
Opening the doors to an international circle | FOLCH
Opening the doors to an international circle | FOLCH
Opening the doors to an international circle | FOLCH
Opening the doors to an international circle | FOLCH
Opening the doors to an international circle | FOLCH

Light marks the passage of time

For the video, director Juju Lutti conveys the experience of artist Sabine’s installation, using a visual format that explores the concepts behind the work, and the relationship between time, space and light. Sabine’s voice guides the viewer as the visuals pay special attention to light, reflections, and the circular shapes created by the house. Due to the characteristics of the Solo Office and the presence of the central monolith, the house functions as a solar clock. 

  • FOLCH - Opening the doors to an international circle

Using a drone to capture the house and installation from above, the film explores the way light acts as an element with a life of its own, marking the passage of time and giving movement to the static elements. Reflections are also key to the production, creating images halfway between the abstract and the figurative making it difficult for the viewer to discern between what is real and what is reflection. The artist is presented as a presence / absence that travels through space as we find her reflection both in the house and in the installation.
