Som dones, som urbanes by

Client: Ajuntament de Barcelona
Year: 2020
Tags: Audiovisual, Brand Narrative, Creative Direction in Production, Creative Production, Strategic Communication, Transmedia

The Ajuntament de Barcelona came to us to rethink a campaign that could help the Guàrdia Urbana to increase the number of women who joins them with the aim of creating a parity police department. For this, we created ‘Som Dones, Som Urbanes’ a campaign with a sense of service, with an empowering vision and a female perspective for Guàrdia Urbana. To do so, we seek for a more emotional and appealing intention so that women can recognize and empathize with the Police of Barcelona while promoting a change in the collective imagination, with a more diverse and human approach. The first thing to do in order to change the perception of something is to change the mood connected to it.

During this mandate, the Ajuntament de Barcelona aimed to fill 1000 new jobs in the Guardia Urbana. Throughout 2020, 260 new places will be offered to improve the service to the city. Taking advantage of this renewal of the department, we decided to promote a police force with a greater gender-equality, focusing the offer on a demographic traditionally not associated with women. The Guardia Urbana wants to be a reflection of the city it serves. To achieve this, women must be integrated into all levels of policing responsibilities. Although the number of women has been increasing year by year, they currently represent only 13 per cent of the total number of workers in the department.



A call to the women

To capture the attention of women while changing the public perception of the Guardia Urbana, the campaign had to be authentic. Leaving behind the more traditional, masculine and institutional discourse, we wanted to portrait their routine with a message narrated from the female perspective. We decided to focus on stories of real women in the police force, documenting their work, their daily challenges and their passions, highlighting the importance of the tasks done by the police force across the 73 districts of Barcelona.

Transmedia storytelling: a realistic approach

White Horse, Folch’s creative offset company managing the production of our audiovisual pieces and photographic commissions, produced some short pieces in a format exportable to social media. The use of video is a resource that helps the discourse gain strength and evokes an emotional response from the audience. It complements the graphic base of the project and translates the images to a more engaging level.

FOLCH - Som dones, som urbanes

Capturing the essence

The videos are constructed using an authentic and human approach in which we shadowed a selection of policewomen throughout their daily activities. This included speaking to citizens, supporting the homeless, directing traffic, protecting children at a dangerous crossing, dealing with traffic accidents, among many other things. This intimate, everyday approach allows us to establish a closer connection with the public and promote the Guardia Urbana as a whole. 

A realistic visual identity

To complement the videos, we took a series of photographs used as a tool to convey the reality of the collective through a more emotional lens. The images of the campaign were produced from a crude and realistic journalistic perspective, with a visual identity based on proximity, truthfulness, transparency and multiplicity with a strong message of female empowerment. The photographs situate women in their daily work, either in the police station or in public spaces and situations easily recognizable by the audience.

FOLCH - Som dones, som urbanes
Som dones, som urbanes | FOLCH
Som dones, som urbanes | FOLCH
Som dones, som urbanes | FOLCH
Som dones, som urbanes | FOLCH
Som dones, som urbanes | FOLCH
Som dones, som urbanes | FOLCH
Som dones, som urbanes | FOLCH
Som dones, som urbanes | FOLCH
Som dones, som urbanes | FOLCH
Som dones, som urbanes | FOLCH
Som dones, som urbanes | FOLCH
Som dones, som urbanes | FOLCH

Adapting the campaign across multiple platforms

The whole campaign, both online and offline, was locally distributed. Throughout the project, we worked hard to stay aligned across all different assets. An important part of the process was deciding how best to diffuse the campaign across social media as well as via the physical assets designed to catch people’s attention on the streets. The imagery was rolled out across flags and opis around the city. 

Audiovisual, Brand Narrative, Creative Direction in Production, Creative Production, Strategic Communication, Transmedia. Ajuntament de Barcelona. 2020