Our Disruptive Model in Santo Domingo by

Tags: Brand Journalism, Brand Narrative, Branding, Design Consultancy, Education, Lecture, Strategic Communication, strategy, Strategy and Design Thinking

Year: 2018
Consultancy by Folch
Collaboration with Capital DBG


Founded and led by Mario Dávalos, Capital DBG was going through an integral transformation from a traditional communications agency to a multidisciplinary company that responds to the needs of the post-advertising era. They came to us in their search for a new paradigm and business model to take forward.

Advertising is irrelevant

Advertising as we know it today, was conceived in the era of repetition and unilateral means. In recent years, the most disruptive companies in the industry have not been advertising agencies, but technology companies such as Facebook and Google. It is in this context that Capital wanted to transform from a traditional agency to become a comprehensive consultancy focused on the production and development of content, communication strategies and an enhancer of positive change in society. Beyond the traditional metrics of success, the new mission of the company was to transform behaviours around people, companies, brands and cities.

Coinciding across the globe

Without knowing each other, Folch coincided with Capital. We set up our production company, White Horse, in order to be able to give an outlet to transmedia content, to the kind of brand journalism that we generate as part of our work. What we were finding before setting up this offshoot was that an external producer did not understand that we had to adapt content, to be flexible, or generate completely different content, depending on the medium or the format. Part of the transformation of Capital, was to follow a similar more flexible, deconstructed model. 

  • FOLCH - Our Disruptive Model in Santo Domingo

Capital was aware of what we had been doing over the past few years. We had similar ideas and goals, we were just coming from different angles. They wanted to develop from communications agency to a more creative agency focused on brand narrative, whereas over the past few years Folch has gradually transitioned from a graphic design studio into a multidisciplinary creative consultancy. At Folch, our concepts, products, experiences and services are translated into emotions and images, rather than into advertising. Capital decided to contact us based on our understanding that to generate great communication, the narrative is stronger than any slogan or advert.


A series of collaborative workshops

The first step in the process was to hold a 360º conference with Capital and their clients to develop a new model for the company. We explained our way of communicating, talking through various cases, answering and receiving questions wherever there were doubts. This was followed by a meeting with the Capital team where we discussed different methods of attracting interesting projects. Capital was originally centred around fee-based contracts and set services. Conscious that this business model belongs to the past and lacks flexibility and room for growth, the team was interested in learning more about our bespoke approach to projects and the way we mix and match our departments depending on the needs of each individual client. We needed to inspire Capital to commit mistakes, to take risks, to be inquisitive and experimental. 

Redefining Santo Domingo

Having followed our work around place branding, in particular for the city of Barcelona, Capital was interested in receiving advice on redefining Santo Domingo. It was important to find out about the city itself, about how it is perceived as chaotic and undefined by both locals and visitors. Capital needed us to help people feel proud of Santo Domingo again. To do so we held a meeting with representatives from the government, outlining our journalistic approach to narrative and offering advice on how best to boost the city’s international reputation. We tried to steer them away from a monumental, touristic viewpoint, instead highlighting the everyday experience of living in the city. Ultimately, we encouraged Capital to become the voice of the city, representing the real vision of society. 

FOLCH - Our Disruptive Model in Santo Domingo

While Rafa and Albert were in the Dominican Republic we contacted a number of local journalists to increase visibility and spread the word about the workshop. As a result, they participated in an in depth interview for local paper Diario Libre.
