A Live-Streamed Event for Marset by

Tags: Brand Narrative, Creative Direction in Production, Event, Strategic Communication, Art Direction, Brand Narrative, Branding, Creative direction in production, Event, Strategic Communication

Year: 2018

Curation and consultancy by Folch
Production by White Horse
A campaign for Marset


After the campaigns “The story behind a lamp” and “Marset Product Series”, we saw that Marset needed something special, a performance, in order to bring the brand into another environment. Understanding events as a narrative tool for companies, we curated the Marset Summer Party, streamed it live and created an innovative concept for the postmodern celebration that would open up the brand’s scope to new artistic fields.

  • FOLCH - A Live-Streamed Event for Marset
  • FOLCH - A Live-Streamed Event for Marset

By considering Marset’s worldwide scope and envisioning a wider approach to communication, we stepped out of the physical boundaries of an event and decided to stream it live so it could be followed from everywhere. But we didn’t want the streaming to be a conventional one. That’s why in partnership with White Horse -a Folch company dedicated to production – we decided to turn the cameras into the eyes of the party guests’. To do so, we created a tailor made digital ecosystem with two fixed cameras and a mobile one which moved around the party area.

A Live-Streamed Event for Marset | FOLCH
A Live-Streamed Event for Marset | FOLCH
A Live-Streamed Event for Marset | FOLCH
A Live-Streamed Event for Marset | FOLCH
A Live-Streamed Event for Marset | FOLCH
A Live-Streamed Event for Marset | FOLCH

Transforming strategy into rhythm

We wanted to integrate Marset’s products into a performance in order to widen the horizons of the brand. Using the power of music, we surprised the guests throughout the main course of the afternoon with an innovative performance by the percussionist and DJ, Arnau Obiols, who turned Marset’s lamps into instruments. This was the first musical collaboration from the newborn project “Marset x Young Talents”, an initiative that connects the brand with selected artists from different backgrounds through meaningful collaborations.

  • FOLCH - A Live-Streamed Event for Marset
  • FOLCH - A Live-Streamed Event for Marset

Inspired by the aesthetics and acoustic properties of each lamp, Arnau Obiols played rhythms and melodies -somewhere in between percussion and delicacy- enriching the performance with sound effects by inputting alternative beats and waveforms recorded live.

Going beyond a convencional event

In collaboration with White Horse, Folch curated the celebration and transformed Marset’s showroom into a music studio for one day. With Ferran Bassaganyes as Producer, Julieta Lutti as Director and Mixer, Natàlia Regás and Adrià Sunyol as Camera Operators and Pol González as an Executive Producer, the streaming took place successfully and was followed live by people all around the world.

  • FOLCH - A Live-Streamed Event for Marset
  • FOLCH - A Live-Streamed Event for Marset
  • FOLCH - A Live-Streamed Event for Marset

Digitally amplifying the scope of the event

Events are all about communicating to audiences and clients. In order for them to be successful, communication needs to be delivered in an effective and powerful way. That’s why, besides curating the event and Arnau Obiols’ performance, Folch conceptualised, copywrote and designed two newsletters to be sent to Marset’s clients before the summer party. 

The artist was curated and coordinated by Emmy Koski, Communication Director & Art Curator for Brands. Continuing with enlarging the scope of the initiative, we designed a landing page promoted on Marset’s website including a countdown to the event. The idea behind these assets was to reach the public in a meaningful way, using interesting and attractive content to communicate a narrative across the digital world.

  • FOLCH - A Live-Streamed Event for Marset
  • FOLCH - A Live-Streamed Event for Marset

Arnau Obiols, the sound of an event curated by Folch

Dj, musician and promoter, the rhythm of jazz and improvisation have inspired Arnau Obiols for years. The Catalan artist is a restless soul always involved in several projects at the same time and channeling his passion for music in every possible way. His role at Marset’s party went beyond the acoustic performance, he also livened up the party by giving a speech and offering his skills as DJ.

A Live-Streamed Event for Marset | FOLCH
A Live-Streamed Event for Marset | FOLCH
A Live-Streamed Event for Marset | FOLCH
A Live-Streamed Event for Marset | FOLCH
A Live-Streamed Event for Marset | FOLCH
Brand Narrative, Creative Direction in Production, Event, Strategic Communication.