Transmedia consultancy for Fundación Arquia by

Client: Fundació Arquia
Year: 2017
Tags: Brand Narrative, Business Design, Design Consultancy, Strategic Positioning, Strategic Thinking

Strategic consultancy in brand positioning, dissemination of content and building influence.


Fundación Arquia was founded by Arquia in 1990 and since then, their main objective is to promote and spread cultural, social, welfare, professional and training projects in the field of architecture, construction, design and urban planning in Spain. In the last decade, the foundation has faced the challenge of adapting their language to this multiple reality but they realized that they weren’t reaching their full potential due to the lack of agility in the process of creation, evaluation, modification and path of different initiatives. Folch decided to come with a proposal in order to resolve this situation through strategic positioning, dissemination and influence.

Strategic positioning, dissemination and influence

This proposal comes from a deep analysis of the context, in order to identify suitable goals for the short, medium and long term, developing a new content-centered way of communicating through different types of products and services.

Native advertising

Brands are realising that they need to take themselves out of their own environment to reach new audiences. Traditional advertising no longer works. Instead, companies are turning towards ‘native advertising’ – a type of digital advertising that matches the form and function of the platform upon which it appears. Content is only indirectly linked to a brand, but its coherence with the host platform means it is more readily absorbed and spread by consumers.

Digital activation through content

As a part of rebuilding Fundación Arquia’s strategy, we needed to create certain types of projects that could activate different layers and canals of communication. In an efficient way, we developed a number of projects such as e-temas, arquetipos, maestros with the idea of focusing on New Technologies, UX/UI, Education and New Narratives, as well as changing the perception of architecture and highlight cross-industry expertise, taking their narrative into a new realm.

Application – Arquia / Maestros: A documentary series

Maestros is a cultural collection conceived and published by Fundación Arquia. The documentary consists of a series of monographs on some of the greatest names in international architecture as Norman Foster, Renzo Piano, Álvaro Siza, Peter Eisenman and Eduardo Souto de Moura. Each audiovisual piece is supported with a booklet specially written by both the architect and the director of the collection. The aim is that outstanding masters of our time can personally convey their thoughts and visions to future generations.

Application –Tesis/Temas: Insightful topics

The foundation funds and leads economical programmes in order to support its members working towards an end goal aimed at socially improving the community. In this sense, the e-temas collection perfectly fits within the foundation’s mission and values. These papers of an informative, educative and technical nature set out to familiarise their members with relevant and insightful topics suited to their area of interest. For a long time, Fundación Arquia published this content through printed publications. When the time came to switch to digital, they involved Folch in order to bring the papers into a new environment.

In spite of the multiple and diverse formats available, digital publications have the huge advantage of being easily accessible from everywhere and granting a level of interaction, something that is difficult to achieve with paper, as well as bypassing the production process. The digital papers we conceived for the e-temas collection give an excellent and pleasant reading experience to the associates, allowing for a range of useful features to be used. 

Application – Arquetipos: Curating the influential pioneers

Arquetipos was born with the idea of creating an editorial product that represents the archives behind the foundation by pushing the architectural field beyond the practice and exchange ideas with diverse creators, reaching a new audience and introducing them to the brand and its services. Indirectly communicating the practice of architecture Arquetipos became the answer to this thinking. By highlighting the ideas of Arquia through a new platform, featuring interviews with the influencers of the architecture practice. With new content, yet always connected to the existing archive of Arquia – giving it an upswing through new platform and content. 

Fundació Arquia. 2017